Monday, November 07, 2005

Technically, not all about Lunch

Okay, this is not a lunch-thing, but was too funny to pass up. G.I. Doppler done bought hisself some fi' new threads. And got ripped. Turns out eBay had just what he needed. That'll wake you up better than Death....

So lunch happened: Hockey was quick today: another interview. And this one he didn't want to pass him outside having a smoke. Ta dejeuner, um no. But my Barq's is definitely worse than my bite.

Work and I checked out Switzerland. A St. Bernard with a rum-cask of IDE cables is freakin' hilarious! Work saw Vince, I bought groceries, don't buy Formula (instant heroin) at Dominion.... Yes, life sure is exciting!

Birds are back? Okay, so it's November. Finally cold outside (Goodbye summer!), and NOW the freakin' birds are back in the trees? Where the heck is 580 Alden Rd, anyway? This really is a wierd little plaza.

I'm doing better than Friday, at least today's post is on the same day..... Oh well, happy Monday. PAX out.

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