Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Sleeping on "not a cloud", Kolchak, and Foreigners!

Welcome new visitors!

I'm sorry to have to report nothing much exciting happened at lunch today. Chris was busy learning about that whole Internet thing, on the phone. Not sure if that meant a dial-up connection or not. If you say you're "On the Phone" but really you're "On the Line" or online or seminarating or disseminating or even just eating at your desk, what are you really? A pathological liar or just a cubicle-dweller operating within the tight constraints of messenger-ation?

Soccer. Well, at least we've moved on from Hockey. And Cuba. I still can't remember what that horrible Sprite flavored drink was. Anybody? It's not this.

Today's lunch did get a part 2! You can't tell, but about 20 minutes has passed since writing that last paragraph. Chris rejoined the world of the blogging, and I headed back in! Work, work, work! There's still 5 minutes left on lunch! And I worked for 20 minutes of it! Most of the talk revolved around requesting existing software features to be added. Way to go, Doppler.

That brings me to my next point, which is a rather serious issue: anonymity and opting out. Ain't gonna happen. Okay, I'll try my best to stick with cutesy nicknames so that in the whole world wide web nobody happens to come across this unpublicized page, figures out who you are from my description, and hunts you down like some deranged stalker. If I slip up, it's probably accidental, but maybe you've ticked me off and I've posted your profile, email address, cell# and general description in a Jehovah's Witness recruiting forum. Don't make me go looking for one!

So that's about it. Lunch officially ended with a new call that wasn't a new call. Today's greasy pasta is sitting quite uneasily. Trust me: it was much better last night. We're out of lunchmeat already so I'm probably having those same leftovers for lunch tomorrow, too. Yum!

Kung-fu Mahjong was a big hit, although I think I preferred Hustle. Once Leon told me how to play, I finally got the humour of Chi Mo-Sai's style. Yes, it helps to have Chinese friends for a Chinese movie.

My Spanish is getting better! I can now ask how much a cup of sugar costs. Why I would need to know.... I even figured out a few phrases Doppler asked me. If the two of us tidy-whities can figure it out, it can't be that hard a language.

That's it for lunch - this blog has almost taken longer to write than lunch took to eat. Welcome to all the new visitors (both of you!), and don't forget to floss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY for leave me outta here